Primary > Maths > Singapore Maths Series > My Pals Are Here Maths

Promote Deep Understanding through Structured Approaches

A structured and sound pedagogy accompanied with hands-on and collaborative activities, allows pupils to learn well and develop skills necessary for problem-solving. Through progressive approaches that builds upon what pupils have learnt previously before introducing the same topic in greater depth, pupils are able to bridge the learning between the different concepts learnt and transit with ease.

The Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract (C-P-A) approach

Teachers can employ this ubiquitous teaching strategy embedded in the series to guide pupils to construct meaning and understanding so as to uncover abstract mathematical concepts. Starting with an anchor task, teachers can follow up with providing scaffolding and feedback to help pupils develop fluency to transit between the various stages, gain confidence and become proficient in operating within a symbolic environment.

The Spiral approach

Used concurrently with the C-P-A approach, the Spiral approach refers to new content being revisited in greater depth at higher levels. This allows pupils to build outward on prior knowledge and develop their understanding of each concept in depth, and learn the content well for application at advanced levels.

Hone Problem-solving Skills

Pupils hone their problem-solving skills through individual and collaborative practices. As they work through mock problems, they learn how they can apply the same problem-solving strategies to real-world problems.